Friday, March 30, 2007

Unhealthy looser?

Exam, one word but has many effects in student's life. As a student myself, I can feel something different inside me when I encounter an exam. I can't describe what I feel, I also don't see the point to describe it because most of us know this kind of feeling and if I told you about how I feel, a difference and disagreement could occur. Strange enough, we feel similar, but there is a difference in translating our feeling in words. So now I just assume you have known and felt it.

Despite of how I feel, there is a physically detected behavior because of my emotional reaction about exam. Since two weeks before my mid-term exam begins, I've done more than usual. I go to bed about two hours after my usual schedule, and awake earlier by an hour. Every day I lack of three hours sleep to catch what I've missed in my study or just to reread what I've understood to make sure nothing is missing.

On second thought, it should be unnecessary to do extra works when approaching exam days if I studied properly. The problem is, I have almost a month absent from class because of my health condition. I don't think I'm an unhealthy neither a careless person. I just think I'm physically fragile. Accidentally trapped in a rain for an hour could bring a week in bed because of fever/cold. People think I'm tough, tough enough to play under heavy rain and stay on top condition. I was like that, but it has been about fifteen years since the last time I played soccer in rainy day. I feel I'm getting older and weaker, but I think I should be stronger now considering I'm still 24.

I need a solution about my health and body problem. My father told me that regular eat and enough sleep will improve my condition. But for most of my time, I have sufficient and even scheduled activity including sleeping and having meal. One of my friend once told me that I need something like exercise, work out and sport. I said wow to that, I walk every day for forty minutes in the morning and another forty in the afternoon between house and college. But nothing else can be categorized as sport nor exercise. Maybe I should try joining local sport club.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Legend in Dark Throne Omega server

I logged on to Omega today, and I found out that someone in Beta server holding same account name as me subscribed to premium membership/Legend member. This subscription costs USD 7.99 per month.

What next to do? Before going on, let me be a story teller.

Once upon a time, (lol) I had a Beta server account, my friend had both Omega and Beta account. When he left, he gave away both his Beta and Omega account. He gave his Omega account to me when he had 25 population, apparently he reseted his Omega account before gave it to me, so it looked like freshly created account. His Beta account was given away to someone else I don't know who. Just for information, by default, both Beta and Omega accounts started with same login and password because they're actually same account playing in different test versions. But it's possible to change either Beta or Omega account login information without affecting each other. What he did was changing his Beta login information (email and password) and let the other account as is so it can be used by two different people.

Back to main question, I now hold an Omega account with Legend status paid by someone I don't know yet. If I pretended to know nothing, I'd be morally wrong. If I gave my Omega account to Beta owner, it would break Dark Throne rules. Yes, I'm not kidding, transferring an account to another person is considered illegal/cheating. I do admit that I acquired my current Omega account in illegal way, but to give away again means another rules-breaking move. So now I still have no clue what to do next. There is third option, PM'ing Beta account owner to ask for opinion first.

Note: This post was moved from my other blog

Sunday, March 18, 2007

No more playing EO?

I have an account in Endless Online main server, my main character name is Gundala, member of Tuga Legendary Clan (TLC). Since my monitor was broken more than a month ago, I didn't play EO anymore. And just now, I downloaded .27b but I don't know what to do next because I can't remember my password, and the worst part is I also can't remember my account name.

Sounds bad? I'm desperate now... The only thing keeps me playing and make me want to get back to the game is my friends there.

There should be a way to recover forgotten account name using email, secret question and real name or location. Without it, we can only rely on our imperfect brain.

O wise elder, help me...

EO Screenies

I think it would be better if I post something here, better than a blank blog. So here is my first collection of funny screen shots.

Eternal newb style? Simply call anyone "u" and see the reply. It if doesn't work, change it to "uu" if still doesn't add more "u" so you now use "uuu" to call anyone. Repeat to add more "u" until you get proper reply.

Talking about the new bank system, err... I have better thing to talk, Vult shouldn't put locker too near with door/stair.

I'm poor and unlucky... Two Gnolls and I only had an Optica? Better luck next time.

This way, some newbies got pawned by sharks. They wanted to talk with me, so they stood near me, usually asking about how many EXP from shark, so I said, "40, try yourself!" and yes they did and went back to spawn point. Maybe they thought sharks are as harmless as I am. but they're wrong, I'm as dangerous as sharks.

Two ways you can help me, heal me or tell me the number of guards around me. No, I don't need you to beat those guards, I need to finish the quest.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007



Catatan harian sang penculik

Ouch.... it will be a lot of pain in the arse to have a blog.
I'm planning to put my memories here, mainly for my past online-gaming experience, both from Dark Throne and Endless Online.