Monday, April 2, 2007

Lies of life part one

A close friend of mine just called me in the middle of the night. I thought it was a little bit weird for a girl with tight schedule to call me during her sleeping hour. I felt something could happen to her. And I was correct; she had something urgent to talk, at least for her it is an important thing.

She called me right after entering her room after came back from her parents’ house in another city in another province about 300 miles far. She said my name, but when I said "Yes," she hung up the phone. At first I thought she was kidding, but considering she is a rather serious person even in relaxed condition, I tried to call her back. No answer until my third attempt. I wouldn't dial that much times if she didn't call my name in the first time she called me that night. Also, I could detect something strange from her speaking tone, like someone sobs and tries to stop crying.

Again, my assumption was proven correct. When she answered, the first thing I heard was her cry. To be honest, I was glad she didn't talk to me in that condition directly, face to face. I might not be able to stand to see tears without letting my own tears drop. I’m too easy to influence emotionally. In another part, I tried patiently to pay attention but I was still wondering about her problem.

At last she said my name again, and I struggled to sound nice to cheer her up. It didn't work that way, she continued to drop her tears until some points I thought she was choking and running out of air. When she calmed down, I called her name, when she said "Yes?" I asked again about what going on. She didn't answer my question; she said she wants to die instead. And panic came to my mind, without second thought I asked about where she is, she told me that she was just arrived and she was in her house, and I said I'll be there in a moment. Her place is only five minutes walk, so I urged myself to get there half running.

Not quite surprising when I arrived there, two of her friends were still awake as usual, playing brand new PS3. I only said hi to them, and hurried to my friend's room. Inside her room I found her sitting on the floor still wearing her traveling clothes and her bag looked untouched. She was hugging her knees, crying silently with almost drained tears. Calmly I sat in front of her but she didn't appear to care, she didn't even bother to look at my face.

Finally after several minutes, she looked at me but didn't say anything. I it was a good sign to be aware of her surroundings. So I asked, "Better now? I'll be back in the morning." She only nodded. I got up and went outside. Before leaving I said to one of her friend to accompany her tonight, but she said she still want to play the game. I replied, "Play in her room, use headset and if she asks tell her I told you so." That worked so I went back to sleep, not in my room but their living room. She is not suicidal type, she is tough one, but I couldn’t take any chance.

The story temporarily ends here; I'll continue the story next time. But before that I just want to say that sometimes we can deal with someone in trouble just saying almost nothing and see the progress. Asking about the matter directly could help, but in this case I felt it could only bring her to worse condition. She was calm already so I left at that.

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